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Ready to Gain 360° Control of your SaaS Apps?

Transform your IT operations with Josys’ unified SaaS & Device Management Platform, now offering a FREE 60-day trial.

Within minutes of account setup you can:

  • Centralize SaaS Visibility: Unify all apps, users and devices into a single view.
  • Automate Provisioning: Expedite and improve the onboarding and offboarding experience for IT and employees.
  • Discover Shadow IT: Surface the use of unsanctioned apps for better oversight and cost optimization.

Complete the form to request a FREE 60-day trial account.

Trusted by Over 500 Companies Worldwide

All of the features you need for 360o control

Josys makes it easy to visualize user access, analyze utilization trends, and automate app provisioning to make your IT operations run more efficiently.  

User Profile Dashboard

Centralize your user intelligence across apps and devices by using Google Workspace, Microsoft Azure, and other HR system integrations.

SaaS License Management

Track your application subscriptions, license allocations, and SaaS expenditures for a holistic overview of your software-as-a-service assets.

Device Inventory Tracking

Create an accurate tracking system of your hardware assets, easily identify available devices, and proactively manage refresh cycles.

Shadow IT Discovery

Use Google audit logs or the Josys browser extension to discover unsanctioned apps and enforce Shadow IT mitigation policies.

Security Features

Enable two-factor authentication, IP whitelisting, or SAML single sign-on authentication for added platform security and protection.

Josys API Framework

The Josys API framework allows seamless integration with nearly any application to automate data collection and drive lifecycle actions.

Instantly Connect to Every App In Your Organization

Provision-at-Scale   |   Discover Shadow IT   |   Optimize Your Spend

Ready to get started?

Interested in gaining 360o control over your software and hardware? Sign-up for a free Josys SaaS & device management account to transform your IT operations.